Seeking approval – Dev. Blog

Cherry Dev. back from the dead with what promises to be one of the biggest dev. blogs you’re gonna see in a while.
Let’s start with some Tsundere Idol news! The Kickstarter was successful as you all know and we completed the translation on schedule despite some rough patches. When we got the translation integrated and all seemed approved and ready to go the truly daunting task began; the approval process to get on Steam. In a seemingly endless back and forth with the powers that be we would submit new store page details and updated builds only to get somewhat cryptic rejection notices in return. We clearly weren’t alone feeling a bit of pain. To make matters worse the great Steam purge of 2018 began and the stakes were suddenly raised. Luckily I prepared a ‘special’ Steam safe script for the game that runs if no patch is installed and is incredibly safe-for-work I think that combined with Cherry Kiss’ low profile managed to keep both Tsundere Idol and Wild Romance safe as we let the storm blow over. FINALLY the time has come! Tsundere Idol will go live in the Steam store on May 28! A hidden consequence of that back and forth I mentioned, at one point not quite sure what was needed to clear that approval hurdle, we changed the name of the game on Steam to simply Tsundere Idol. In all other stores the game will proudly bear the slightly more descriptive name Tsundere Idol: My Personal M-Pet. But enough about Steam…
We are also working to get Tsundere Idol to as many DRM-Free Adult stores as we can! We are about to order the FAKKU keys for the Kickstarter so we can get those to people on launch day, we are also preparing to launch on JAST the same day as Steam and FAKKU so if you’re particularly loyal to any of these stores we got you covered. We also submitted to GOG as did most devs who might have started to sweat a little after Steam started trying to pull games off the store and are waiting on word back from them. Tsundere Idol is shaping up for a pretty smooth launch day if everything goes according to plan.
Having survived the Steam purge unscathed we decided to celebrate! Wild Romance, the original non-adult version, went on sale this past week for just 98 cents, its lowest price yet! Be sure to pick that up by May 28. You may also notice that this makes the bundle on Steam of both original Wild Romance and Wild Romance: Mofu Mofu Edition (with free adult patch) a very cost effective way to pick up Mofu Mofu Edition too. That’s until Monday the 28th, for your weekend reading pleasure while you patiently wait for the Tsundere Idol release.
With the actual game development news over I still have a little bit more to say about the general goings on with Cherry Kiss so bear with me.
When we were shipping off the posters to our Kickstarter backers I mentioned in our Discord that we printed extra since we could get a better deal if we printed slightly more than we needed, and so far nobody has received a damaged poster or just not received their poster at all, so we were thinking of what we can do with the extras and today the president decided that if you live in Canada OR the United States (Sorry everyone else but shipping is expensive) and you did not back the Kickstarter at the Poster tier or you didn’t back at all but want to jump on the bandwagon and get the Kickstarter deal of 2 copies of Tsundere Idol and 1 copy of Wild Romance PLUS the postcard and concept art collection we set up a PayPal so you can send us money that way and we can ship off one of the extra posters, get an extra postcard signed, and we can email the rest of the digital rewards. For those in Mexico don’t worry I did battle with an old foe… the Amazon store back-end and after a hard fought battle we are currently waiting on approval for Cherry Kiss’ “Amazon Selling Partner Account” *woo* which means, if it gets approved, we can sell the excess posters directly through Amazon if you want to get your hands on one, you might have to act fast since there aren’t that many extras and people in the Discord have been talking about wanting posters! Just keep in mind this wont be the same ‘upgrade to the poster tier’ anything we attempt to do through Amazon will just be selling the poster.
Tl;dr: If you live in the US or Canada and backed on Kickstarter and want the poster you can send us the difference between what you backed and the poster tier and we’ll send you the extra rewards. If you live in US or Canada and DID NOT back the Kickstarter but want the poster you can PayPal us 100 CAD and we will send you everything included in the poster tier. If you just want the poster and nothing else you can hopefully get it from Amazon assuming this ‘selling partner account’ thing works out. (Sorry it seems complicated, but a business mind works in mysterious ways apparently)
While we are on the topic of shipping rewards, the postcards should be on their way soon. Our man in Japan updated me recently the type of postcard he wanted to print was going to be vertical so I had to redesign the front of the card to add space for the signature since the back of the card is reserved for mailing addresses apparently, but they should be ready to go once he- I mean Rui-chan finds time to sign everyone’s names on the cards!
PHEW! I think that should be everything for now, keep your eyes on our Twitter in the coming weeks as we’ll be hyping the Tsundere Idol launch as well as some Wild Romance news we have planned! Thanks for reading all this it’s been a pretty hectic week so I figured this would be better than sending out a thousand tweets or @everyone hundreds of times over on discord~
I hope you all enjoy Tsundere Idol, like I said I think it came out really well and should be even better than Wild Romance since I got to use all the fancy new tricks I learned after Wild Romance released from the start when building Tsundere Idol.
xoxo Cherry Dev.